Friday, February 8, 2013

Tips How To Make Hair More Beautiful and Shine

Tips How To Make Hair More Beautiful and Shine - Every person in this world would want to have a beautiful and healthy hair, both men and women. So the key to having beautiful hair is always keeping the hair's natural moisture. its right if hair care is not easy if the friend does not understand and recognize the type of hair. Before you pass hair care should familiarize yourself with the type of hair buddy so as to facilitate care for properly.

To make the hair does not look dry and dull you should use condisioner shampioo and in accordance with all the hair buddy. Condisioner menggunkan can be made of natural materials. So that my friend does not need to do at the salon hair care enough to spend. Hm ... enough savings is not it?? Here is how to treat the hair and natural hair care tips: 

1. Oily hair

There are several causes so that the hair can be oily because of heredity, wash your hair too infrequently and hormonal activity is high. Use a mild shampoo and a special shampoo for oily hair like baby shampoo is also good. Wash your hair every day, you should rinse thoroughly with cold water, avoid rinse hair with warm water because it can make the scalp more oily. Oily hair care can use coconut oil or jojoba. Use just the tip-end condisioner ranbut only, and avoid using condisioner the hair shaft near the root of the hair. The friend also can use traditional materials with lemon, lemon juice is alurkan on the scalp and hair to reduce existing oil on the hair and scalp.  

2. Broken and Damaged Hair 
If you have a broken and damaged hair then use a moisturizer that contains a lot condisioner. Avoid doing perms or coloring hair to hair in good condition. When you wash your hair should gently rub the hair on the scalp. For damaged hair breakage and make condisioner with yogurt. The trick is to mix a small package of plain yogurt, one egg white grains, and a tablespoon of honey. Should use to wet hair. Then let stand for about about 5 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Use 1minggu 2 times if menggingginkan menabjubkan results. 

3. Dry hair
If you have any kind of dry and dull hair certainly is very disturbing appearance, in addition to this type of hair often matted and unruly, even the hair becomes weak and is very easy to fall off. Dry hair should be given extra moisture. The friend can make condosioner easy, by way of make a mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise and one avocado. Stir evenly until the texture of avocado was soft. We recommend that you use on the hair a bit damp sambik give pijitan light. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with clean water. Use it regularly to have shiny hair and charming.  

4. Unmanageable Hair
If you have types of hair like this, it is tricky to treat. In addition to also fast hair tangled and difficult to set up and laid out rapi.Sebaiknya his pal make their own condisioner easy enough for this type of hair. The trick is mixing the juice of one lemon, a quarter cup of olive and 2 eggs. Then apply the mixture on wet hair and scalp. Allow to dry, then rinse with clean water. Because olive oil will help the hair away from the tangle and easy to set up. Vitamnin and nutrition of eggs and oranges make hair shiny and healthy, and stimulate hair growth. Use up to 1 week 2 times to get the funtastic results. How the friend is very easy and not perform maintenance hair naturally?? The main key just get to know the type of hair that my friend had, making it easier to do a hair treatment that is safe and easy. Good luck and feel charming and beautiful hair ..

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