Monday, February 18, 2013

Vaginitis Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

What is Vaginitis?
  • Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can cause a discharge, itching or pain.
  • Vaginitis is an infection or irritation in and around your vagina.
Anything that infects or irritates your vagina can cause vaginitis. Sometimes sexual activity can cause vaginitis, either because of irritation or infection. Yeast infections and bacterial infections that are not sexually transmitted can cause vaginitis. Irritation from chemicals such as douches, soaps, bubble bath and spermicides can cause vaginitis. There are a few different types of vaginitis and the causes are a little different:

  • Bacterial vaginosis
-  can result from an overgrowth of an organism that is normally present in your vagina. 
-  If bad bacteria outnumber good bacteria, the balance is disrupted and bacterial vaginosis may occur.
  • Yeast Infections
- occur when internal or external factors change the normal environment of your vagina    and  trigger a fungus called candida albicans.
  • Trichomoniasis
- is a common, sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite. 
Risk Factors
  • Bacterial Vaginosis: 
- can be spread through sexual intercourse or by having multiple sex partners.
  • Yeast infection: 
-          can be caused by medications like antibiotics or steroids
-          uncontrolled diabetes
-          hormonal changes
  • Although bubble baths, tight-fitting clothing and feminine hygiene products do not cause yeast infections, they may increase your chances of getting one.
  • Trichomoniasis: 
-          spreads through intercourse with someone who is already infected.

The symptoms of vaginitis include tenderness, itching or burning, in and around your vagina. You might also notice more an increased amount of vaginal discharge or an unpleasant vaginal odor. If you have these symptoms, it is important to see your health-care provider and find out what is causing your symptoms. There are a few different types of Symptoms of vaginitis:

  • Bacterial Vaginosis
-  may develop a grayish-white foul smelling discharge.
  • Yeast infection
-   most often results in itching
-    but may also cause a white, thick discharge that resembles cottage cheese.
  • Trichomoniasis
-  can cause a greenish-yellow, sometimes frothy discharge.

  • Vaginosis:  requires a prescription for cream
  • Yeast infection:  can get an over-the-counter cream or suppository
  • Trichomonaisis: see a doctor
  • If vaginitis is caused by an infection, it is treated with medicine, either taken by mouth, or put directly into the vagina.
  •  If vaginitis is caused by a sexually transmitted disease, both you and your partner need to take antibiotics.
  • If vaginitis is caused by an irritating chemical, you need to stop using that chemical.
  • Good hygiene may prevent some types of vaginitis from recurring and may relieve some symptoms. 
  • Be sure to wipe from front to back after using the toilet to avoid spreading bacteria. 
  •   Keep the area around the vagina as dry as possible.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • Wear underwear with a cotton crotch.
  • Never use douches, perfumed soaps or bubble bath.
  • Always use condoms if your partner might have a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Use extra lubrication during sexual intercourse if your vaginal tissue is dry and easily irritated. 

Adapted from:
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